
06-08-2025 Lex Lefebvre 1946 – 2024

It is with great sadness that, just before Christmas, we learned of the death of Lex Lefebvre at the age of 78.

Lex was, for a long time, leader of the International STM Association and of the IPRO organization.

An obituary for Lex can be found here.

We wish his family strength to bear this loss. We will all miss his positive character and his charm as a true gentleman-diplomat. He was among the kindest and most likeable people one could work with.

08-06-2023 IPRO publishes Annual Report 2022

On June 8th, the Board of Directors of IPRO approved the Annual Report 2022. IPRO looks back on a positive and stable year.

A few highlights can be mentioned. In this year IPRO was able to make the first payments to mandating rightsholders for copyright

collections from Pharma and Biomedical companies in France thanks to a partnership with the French CFC, Centre Français d'Exploitation Droit de Copie. More good news followed at the very end of the year when agreement was reached with the fourteen Dutch institutions united in the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) to continue the Easy Access arrangement.

17-01-2022 Jennifer Brogan joins the IPRO Board of Directors
IPRO welcomes a new Board member: Jennifer Brogan, of Wolters Kluwer where she is Vice President, Global Journal Publishing & Society Solutions, Health Learning, Research & Practice Division Health in the USA. Jennifer was appointed by the IPRO Board and starts her first three-year term on 1 January 2022. She brings more than 25 years of health publishing experience and is responsible at Wolters Kluwer for the overall strategic development of more than 300 journals and associated digital products for individuals and institutions.

Jennifer replaces Jayne Marks, who stepped down after completing her maximum term of 9 years as IPRO board member and who recently retired from Wolters Kluwer as Vice President. IPRO would like to thank Jayne for her invaluable contribution to IPRO and for the very pleasant and fruitful collaboration during the past 9 years.

10-01-2022 IPRO re-approved for Certification in recent audit

​Similar to previous years, IPRO has again passed muster for the Dutch Certification of Collective Management Organisations. IPRO carries this certification since 2012. The new certification is valid until November 2023.

Following the digitization trend of today’s pandemic circumstances, this year’s interim audit was conducted remotely, via a videocall and electronically supplied data. Its positive result reconfirms the continuation of the official CMO certificate for IPRO, issued by the Dutch trade organization VOICE. This mandatory CMO certification is subject to an annual audit by the Dutch Keurmerk Institute. The most recent certification can be found here in Dutch.

17-06-2021 IPRO publishes Annual Report 2020
On June 16th, the Board of Directors of IPRO approved the 
Annual Report 2020. Despite the pandemic, financially speaking, 2020 was not so different than previous years. The net amount of copyright collections IPRO received in 2020, as well as paid out to rightholders in 2020 was similar to previous years. Cost deductions remained at 9 % of net collections. In the Netherlands, a new contract with the Higher Education Schools was concluded. For Dutch universities the current agreement has been extended another year. In France, the new license for Pharma companies began bearing its first fruit in 2020, with the first collections to be received by IPRO in 2021. Due to the pandemic, the IPRO office switched to fully digital operations. Several increased computer security measures have made operations more robust.

26-01-2021 IPRO again approved for Certification
​In this year’s round, IPRO has again passed muster for the Dutch Certification of Collective Management Organisations. Based on the independent interim audit of the Dutch Keurmerk Instituut, IPRO received a positive advise for being compliant with the standards of the 'CBO Quality Mark criteria v6, 2017'. The official certification advice can be found 
here in Dutch. This positive result confirms the continuation of the current official CMO certificate for IPRO, issued by the Dutch member organization VOICE and will be valid until November 22, 2021. In 2012, IPRO first received the official certification for Collective Management Organizations in the Netherlands, which is up for renewal and continuation each year.​ The most recent certification can be found here on the Keurmerk guest page of the VOICE website.

01-01-2021 New Chair and new Treasurer in IPRO’s Board of Directors
With the start of 2021, IPRO said goodbye to Geert Noorman, its Chairman for 9 years, after Geert completed his maximum term on the IPRO Board. His energy and involvement will be missed.
Appointed as new Chairman per 1 January 2021 is Peter Hendriks, previously treasurer of IPRO. The role of treasurer will now be filled by Bernard Aleva, who joined the IPRO Board as of January 1, 2021 for a first term. More information on the composition of the IPRO Board can be found 

25-11-2020 2020 Review of the IPRO Repartition Regulations
As part of the tri-annual review of IPRO’s Repartition Regulations, the Board of Directors of IPRO re-endorsed its Repartition Regulation in their current form and set-up. This decision was taken in the November 2020 Board meeting. The Repartition Regulations stem from 2017 when they were approved by the Dutch government supervisor CvTA (College van Toezicht Auteursrechten) and includes a clause that they will be up for revision once every three years. The next review will be scheduled for 2023.

11-06-2020 IPRO publishes Annual Report 2019
On June 3, the Board of Directors of IPRO approved the 
Annual Report 2019. The year 2019 was steady for IPRO. Collections from Higher Education institutes and Universities stood at a similar level as in previous years. Of the gross amount received in 2019, 94.5% was paid onwards within six months to the relevant rightsholders. Costs deductions by IPRO again remained below 10%.

26-03-2020 IPRO again approved for Certification
​In this year’s round, IPRO has again passed muster for the Dutch Certification of Collective Management Organisations. Based on the independent interim audit of the Dutch Keurmerk Instituut, IPRO received a positive advise for being compliant with the standards of the 'CBO Quality Mark criteria v6, 2017'. The official certification advice can be found 
here in Dutch. This positive result confirms the continuation of the current official CMO certificate for IPRO, issued by the Dutch member organization VOICE and will be valid until November 22, 2021. In 2012, IPRO first received the official certification for Collective Management Organizations in the Netherlands, which is up for renewal and continuation each year.​ The most recent certification can be found here on the Keurmerk guest page of the VOICE website.

27-06-2019 IPRO publishes Annual Report and Annual Accounts 2018
​On June 24 IPRO published its annual report over 2018, including the annual accounts. The report can be found 
here. In 2018 IPRO's surplus grew structurally 7% compared to 2017, apart from an incidental doubling of receipts. A continued spearhead for IPRO is its significant effort into organisational and operational transparency to ensure full compliance with Dutch regulation for CMO's and EU guidelines.

28-03-2019 IPRO receives extension of Certification
For the seventh time in succession, Dutch member organisation 
VOICE has granted the official CMO certificate to IPRO, valid throughout November 2021. IPRO has received official certification for Collective Management Organisations in The Netherlands since 2012 by the independent Dutch Keurmerk institute. The new certificate can be found here.

22-06-2018 IPRO publishes Annual Report and Annual Accounts 2017
On June 20 IPRO published its annual report over 2017, including the annual accounts. The report can be found 
2017 was a good year for IPRO, collections went up 18 %, pay-outs went up 33 %. Cost levels went down to below 10 % of collections and pay-outs. Compliant to the new regulation following the EU Guidelines for CMOs, the report also comprises a transparency report.

06-06-2018 IPRO receives extension of Certification
For the sixth time in succession, Dutch member organisation 
VOICE has granted the official CMO certificate to IPRO, valid throughout November 2018. IPRO has received official certification for Collective Management Organisations in The Netherlands since 2012 by the independent Dutch Keurmerk institute. The new certificate can be found here.

06-03-2018 Florine Rosingh completes the IPRO Board of Directors
This month the IPRO board has appointed Florine Rosingh as its new member of the Board of Directors. Florine is Elsevier’s Regional General Counsel for EMEA, LA and APAC. Located in the UK, she is also a member of the (UK) Publishers Association Publishing Law Group. Florine Rosingh was officially nominated by the Board of the International STM Association for this position. Welcome Florine Rosingh, we are honored you have joined the board and look forward to our cooperation.

26-01-2018 Duncan Campbell joins the IPRO Board of Directors
During the last Board Meeting in December Duncan Campbell was appointed as member of the IPRO Board of Directors. Duncan is Director, Global Sales Partnerships, with John Wiley & Sons, where he is responsible for licensing, business development & agent relations for Wiley’s academic journal and database content. He is also engaged in developing Wiley’s strategies and policies with regard to government affairs, open access and text and data mining, and represents Wiley on several industry boards and committees.

26-01-2018 Jan BijdeWeg fulfills the maximum term in IPRO Board of Directors
After completing his maximum term as board member, Jan BijdeWeg, legal counsel at Elsevier, recently left the IPRO Board of Directors. His support and proficiency have proved to be invaluable to our organisation. Cherishing the times of our pleasant cooperation we are grateful for his useful contributions to IPRO.

13-09-2017 Completion of the IPRO update of its Articles of Association, Bylaws and Repartition Regulations
On 12 September 2017, the notary has passed IPRO's new Articles of Association. These have now been officially published on the IPRO website, together with the similarly adapted Bylaws and Regulations for Repartition, and can be found under the following links:

14-08-2017 IPRO intends the update of its Articles of Association, Bylaws and Repartition Regulations
IPRO intends to update Articles of Association, Bylaws and Repartition regulations to comply to EU and Dutch regulation. The final drafts, approved by the Dutch Supervisor CvTA, are now published under these links:

  • Final Draft Articles of Associations 
  • Final Draft Bylaws
  • Final Draft Repartition regulations

The IPRO Board intends to bring these new drafts into force by mid September 2017. Stakeholders are invited to submit comments and qestions if there are any.

14-06-2017 IPRO publishes 2016 Annual Report
The IPRO Board of Directors approved the annual accounts and the annual report over 2016 in its meeting on 8 June 2017. The year 2016 was a good year, states Chairman Geert Noorman, who also points at the new agreement reached between PRO, IPRO and the Dutch Universities for the years 2017 - 2020.

15-06-2016 IPRO publishes 2015 Annual Report
Today IPRO publishes its annual report over 2015, as approved by its Board of Directors on 14 June 2016. 2015 was a good year with 10 % increase in collected copyright fees, mainly stemming from better policing of digital coursepack use. The cost level was lower than in other years.

23-03-2016 IPRO receives CMO certification for the next three years
IPRO was again granted the official Keurmerk certification now valid until November 2018. IPRO has been an officially certified Collective Management Organisation under the Dutch legislation since 2012. .

23-06-2015 IPRO 2014 Annual Report available
In its meeting of June 10, 2015, the Board of Directors of IPRO approved the Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements over 2014. The statements report a successful year for IPRO during which repartition payments were increased by 40 percent. This was due to better reporting of digital use in coursepacks, which showed a higher share for international publishers in digital material.

23-06-2015 IPRO updates its procedure for comments, complaints and appeal
Starting the second half of 2015, IPRO works with a newly updated procedure for comments, complaints and appeal. The updates were approved in the IPRO Board meeting on June 10, 2015 and are made to better comply with the newly published guidelines for Dutch CMO's.

19-02-2015 IPRO receives 2015 Keurmerk Certification
In january 2015 IPRO received from VOICE the extension for yet another year of the Dutch Keurmerk certification for Collective Management Organisations.
This certification is part of a voluntary program for Dutch CMO's to guarantee the quality and integrity of their governance and operations. The certification is also a requirement for the Dutch Supervisory Agency for CMO's, the so-called College van Toezicht Auteursrechten.
The official certificate, signed by Job Cohen as president of VOICE, can be found 

23-06-2014 IPRO Board approves 2013 Annual Report
In its meeting of June 20, 2014, the Board of Directors of IPRO approved the Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements over 2013. The statements report a steady and successful year for IPRO during which repartition payments were increased and costs were reduced. One of the highlights reported is the newly agreed lump sum compensation with the Dutch Universities, for the educational use of copyrighted protected short excerpts. The agreement covers the years 2014 - 2016.

23-05-2014 In Memoriam: Paul Nijhoff Asser (1928 - 2014)
It is with sadness and regret that we report the death of Paul Nijhoff Asser, knight in the Order of Oranje Nassau. As the first Director of the International Association of STM Publishers, Paul Nijhoff Asser stood at the cradle of IPRO in the nineties of the last century. He was also one of the founding fathers of IFRRO, the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations. IPRO expresses its gratitude and deep respect for everything Paul Nijhoff Asser achieved in this area.

27-12-2013 Dutch Universities agree a new compensation lump sum for coursware use
A new lumpsum compensation has been agreed between Dutch Universities and publishers for the use of copyright protected material in educational courseware. The new agreement replaces a longstanding collaboration between the Dutch Univbersities and Dutch publishers united in the NUV (Dutch Publishers Association*) and the international publishers representetd by IPRO. The new agreement is valid for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
A joint 
press release has been issued by the negotiation parties.
​* PN: Since 2020 the NUV is called de Mediafederatie.

12-11-2013 Annual Report 2012
In its 9 October meeting in Frankfurt, in 2013, the IPRO Board approved the annual report and annual accounts over 2012. 2012 was a healthy year for IPRO; while slightly more income was received, the year was marked in particular by a high amount of repartition pay-outs to rights holders.

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