IPRO Board

The IPRO Board of Directors represents the international publishers community. Members come from or have a background at publishing houses that operate internationally for many years in the area of academic and professional publishing.

The Board of IPRO counts a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 members, appointed upon nomination by the International Association of Scientific, Medical and Technical Publishers for a term of 3 years. Upon retirement, Board members are re-eligible immediately but only for two more consecutive appointments. The Board elects among its members a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary, together forming the Executive Committee of the Board.

Candidates to join the Board of IPRO are selected on the criteria that are defined in the 
profile for the IPRO board in Appendix B, of the Bylaws.

Currently the following people serve on the Board:

  1. Peter Hendriks, Independent, NL, 3rd term December 2022 - December 2025 – Chairman
  2. Bernard Aleva, Independent, NL, 2nd term January 2024 – January 2027 - Treasurer 
  3. Rebecca Cook, Wiley, UK, 1st term November 2023 – November 2026
  4. Jennifer Brogan, Wolters Kluwer Health, US, 2nd term January 2025 – January 2028
  5. Mark Majurey, Taylor and Francis, UK, 3rd term December 2023 – December 2026
  6. Florine Rosingh, Elsevier, NL/UK, 3rd term March 2024 – March 2027
  7. Niels Peter Thomas, Springer Nature, DE, 3rd term February 2023 - February 2026

 Their official job titles and additional positions can be found here:
2025 IPRO Board Additional Jobs

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